Courses Taught by Dr. John Quinn
Truman State University
Example list of classes taught and example syllabi (they may not be up to date):
Intro | Methodology | Comparative | Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa | International Political Economy | Senior Seminar |
POL 171: Introduction to Political Science
Offered every semester (by different professors). Fulfills Social Perspectives and Intercultural Interconnecting Perspectives course for the Dialogues.
Sample Syllabus Fall 2000
POL 300: Political Science Methodology
Offered twice/three times a year. Should be taken by end of Sophomore year. Examines the basics approaches and tools of empirical political science. Students write a research paper as well as master their key terms and concepts.
Sample Syllabus Spring 2002
POL 310: Comparative Politics: Theory and Research
Offered every semester. Mine every Spring. Fulfills requirement for majors. Emphasizes chronology or recent field,
emergence of capitalism, development, and democratization.
Sample Syllabus Spring 200
POL 355: Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
Offered every other year. Examines the history of the political and economic systems of sub-Saharan Africa from early contact with Europeans up to present. Emphasized regional trends and political economy of continent.
Sample Syllabus Fall 2001
POL 352: International Political Economy
Offered every other year. Overviews basics of the rise and functions of international market.
Sample Syllabus Fall 1999
POL 460: Capstone: Senior Seminar in Political Science and International Relations
Offered every semester. Capstone class for Political Science. I teach it every other year. Usually team taught.
Sample Syllabus Spring 2002