International Data and Statistics

International/Cross National Data & Statistics                                                                               


Area Studies Homepage

This page gives access to information on individual countries. It may be used to access all the information on the site for a given country, since the sub-pages for each country have links, where relevant, to all the other pages.

Central Banks

Links to central banks and monetary authorities around the world.

CIA World Factbook

Information published by the CIA on various counties.  Includes statistics and resources for countries and regions throughout the world.

Correlates of War

Data on major wars from 1815 to 2000.

Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive

A comprehensive listing of international and national country data facts including statistical information on a range of countries, with data entries ranging from 1815 to the present.


Open Research database with many development related datasets such as population changes, education rates, and health systems.

Elections and Electoral Systems from Around the World

Explanations of various electoral systems from around the world, maps and tables identifying what countries use which systems.

Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization

PRIO’s data set for ethnic, linguistic, and religious fractionalization for countries all around the world.

Freedom House

Independent Watchdog NGO with an emphasis on promoting democracy and human rights. Large data set for countries around the globe measure levels of democracy.

Global Development Network Growth Database

Cross national data from several sources created by William Easterly and Mirvat Sewadeh at World Bank. Hosted by NYU Research Development Institute.

Handbook of International Economic Statistics

International Economic Statistics documents that was put together and published by the CIA during the 1990s.

International Crime: Data

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime database, covering topics such as arms, drugs, and human trafficking, cybercrime, maritime crime, and corruption

International Data Base

The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world.

International Monetary Fund

Links to Annual Reports, Regional Economic Reports, and other publications put out by the IMF

International Financial Statistics

Cross National Economic data bank put together by the IMF.

Library of Congress

Handbook of Countries.  This website contains the on-line versions of books previously published in hard copy by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Army.

Minorities at Risk Database

Independent, university-based research project that monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal groups in countries with a population of at least 500,000.

OECD Database

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Data bank with numerous data sets on many topics for OECD member states.


Shows Parliaments and their make up from around the world

Penn World Tables

Provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 189 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2007.

Political, Economic, and Financial Risk Resources

Links to statistical resources analyzing risk ratings for various  countries.

Polity Data

Very widely used data set to measure levels of freedom and democracy around the world, scores range from -10 (Full autocracy) to 10 (Full democracy)

Political Terror Index

The PTS meas­ures levels of polit­ic­al vi­ol­ence and ter­ror that a coun­try ex­per­i­ences in a par­tic­u­lar year based on a 5-level “ter­ror scale” ori­gin­ally de­veloped by Free­dom House. Draws data from World Bank, State Department, and Human Rights Watch reports.

Population Reference Bureau

Cross national data on population, health, migration and other important social trends.

Transparency International

Independent organization with a heavy emphasis on corruption research in countries around the world; recommends policies to fight corruption. Has a corruption glossary which is very useful.

US Treaties and Other International Agreements

The Library of Congress’s collection of treaties and international agreements to which the US is or was a party in the agreement.

United Nations Documents and Publications

A collection of UN Documents and Publications.

United Nations Studies at Yale

Links to interstate conflicts, trade data, geographic data and more hosted by Yale University.

United Nations Voting Records

Data set for Voting Records on UN member states. Years covered are 1945-2015

US Census International Database

The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world.

World Bank

Searchable databank put together by the World Bank. Covers topics such as agriculture, foreign aid, eduction, health, and economic data as well.

World Economic Outlook

Presents IMF staff’s analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups (classified by region, stage of development, etc.), and in many individual countries.